writes: > >> ! ("\\.doc$" "application/msword") > > LMI> This one I can't accept. > > People know, you don't like MIME. (Sorry, I couldn't resist ...) I do not know, and am merely joking here, but maybe the two letters "ms" above are really the combination which Lars do not like :-). > On the other hand: have you ever received a `.doc' file, that was not > an MS Word file? By the way, it is a part of my life that I often, too often receive `msword' or `wordperfect' attachments in email. For example, people working in some ISO groups do that, and my frequent protests are apparently not heavy enough to significantly change their habit. At one place where I often work, I'm almost alone to maintain a little cluster of Unix machines, little island of peace, lost into a wide sea of hundreds and hundreds of NT's and 95's. Secretaries and agents routinely and frequently send messages containing Word files, Outlook notices, Excel (sp?) data, and such other things. Besides me, everybody there seems to be happy. Surely, I would never succeed into converting them all, and I think it's me who should adapt... So, for those few reasons, I'm now ready and willing to face the sad reality! Is there any filter or tool, which *I* could run on Unix/Linux, available in source form (of course), allowing me to somewhat handle such documents, when they happen to come and pollute my Gnus mailgroups? Are such files' intimate format (Word, Wordperfect, and others) documented somewhere? If I was able to find enough information, I might plan some new "surfaces" in `recode' (who knows, some of you might know this tool? :-) for handling these formats, and devise something to ease my Gnus ways in this... Sigh! -- François Pinard Join the free Translation Project!