Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen writes: > Fixed now. I'd like to believe you, and I updated from CVS a few minutes ago, but now one (just one) of your recent messages () still causes the old error: Signaling: (wrong-type-argument number-char-or-marker-p nil) gnus-convert-gray-x-face-to-xpm(("%Hp1fbwa;SIy+'TltJ#4yll=PWK+N{,o/+yZ0DGDuGz-V!GBP60VYmywY0L,TJsDhSqd5n*\n (65ami.3pfVr9E85W=EjzWTVhk3L@we!]P=}I]jiuRG;@s[~=J1x4YP?7~e:{]Rj}pRIj6Y@ScmCCC|?8!E3dV-yW,D9Sz%3ueas1`)Di%\n [J6h<:4~38-$iuv.C/lW_\\j'4/.5`-8|Ds7pT)DRFR1r0!L\"!tpfcZVhBj{s{GNvqQcPgG%4zGdGIH\n T,Z+GWh\n")) article-display-x-face() And now that I can see them, I have trouble believing that these are the images you intended to be displayed. Notice that, in the 2nd, the image isn't placed properly, either.