Stainless Steel Rat writes: > Current and recent versions of Eudora default to "html on" and "no > text part". Just another FYI, Eudora is particularly broken as regards handling multipart/alternative. This message is mp/alt. It contains a text/html part *first*, and text/plain *last*. That means that every MUA on the planet should render the message as text/plain, because "last" means "preferred" and every MUA can "do" text/plain. But not Eudora. No, silly us, how dare we presume. You see, Eudora, in its parental arrogance, will take such a mp/alt, wrongly display the text/html and _*throw the text plain away*_ _*/ENTIRELY/*_. It isn't even /available/ to the user. > AOL v6 is html only, no text at all. "Hit man for hire."