Jack Vinson writes: > Hello gang; > > My company is moving to Outlook for all their mail and calendaring > needs. I am torn between the cool integrated nature of Outlook and > our favorite News/Mail reader. What method does Outlook (with an > Exchange server) use to store mail? Is this the imap issue that I > have been ignoring because I didn't think it applies to me? Don't worry about your doubt. After you start using Outlook you will certainly wish you were back to Gnus! > How easy is it to make the transition? Are there general comments > on the difference in ease of use between Outlook and Gnus? (Should > I even ask that question?) There is a "Use Word as your editor" menu item in Outlook. Pretty much says it all, I should say. -- Søren Laursen http://www.tele.auc.dk/~slau/