-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ð thus on 22 Feb 1996 02:12:47 +0100, Lars virtually scripted... Steven L Baur writes: >> A hard choice has already been made to abandon support for earlier >> versions of Emacs. Are we also prepared to abandon lesser endowed >> systems as well? Lars> No -- especially since this is being typed on a Linux bux with 6 megs Lars> of ram. :-) (It's where I do 90% of my work.) I find that when just Lars> running Gnus and reading small groups, it usually doesn't grow beyond Lars> 4 megs, which leaves room for gnus.el and gnus.texi and stuff without Lars> trashing. Entering a group with 2000 articles is totally out of the Lars> question, though. Okay call me spoiled (hmm... I might actually spell check this article since it's a subject near and dear to my heart) in that I think 16 megs isn't enough. Just a year and half ago I was tinkering around with a 486 dx2/80 with 4 megs of ram and thinking it was hot s**t (now with 16 megs I'm beginning to wonder with the current crop and trend with software if even _that_ is enough to "scratch by"). I've been doing some checking, the main problem seems to be when I try to access some of the higher volume newsgroups, namely comp.lang.c (with _heavy_ adaptive scoring). If I leave off reading that newsgroup for a couple days I'm sacked with a couple thousand articles that Gnus needs to parse through, and I'm leery to leave that emacs process running after I read that newsgroup. So a possible option includes a "stealthing procedure" for the newsgroup (which probably pertains to asynch reading of the overview files). Basically catching "snippets" of the overview file in gnus-large-newsgroup sections. I'd be willing to trade time for memory usage in matters like this, also it'll break the waiting time into segments. Also I've looked into reducing of the overall feature loading in default Gnus. I've been doing some extensive feature tree studying in the last few days to trace where all my memory is going. The features variable grows exponentially with each little Gnus feature I like to try out. Inherently I'm a minimalist, and like to load just what I need and use. I'm don't use nnmh, and yet this needs to be loaded with nndraft, which I like... which presents problems. I do use nnfolder, and would love to have nndraft use nnfolder instead of nnmh, possible in future releases (Red Gnus)? I don't know if nndraft would be considered a back-end in and of itself or a back-end "wrapper" to another back-end. The feature tree grows with X interface, but that is to be expected. I don't think Gnus can be broken into any smaller files to reduce feature overhead =). To give an extent of how bad minimalism can get, I've deleted most of loaddefs.el and re-did the update after deleting 25% of the lisp directory (well this and the fact that some idiot put the IDE cable backwards into my western digital 1.6 gig hard-drive, thereby frying it, and reducing me to my .5 meg Maxtor hard drive and further leaving me in a crunch for disk space right now). d. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface iQCVAwUBMSwnzYX26urqpgG1AQFjugQAhUaWb5cflx35uTsK+Boi5EEAQrYUjMLM D3CPby6JydArBAQD4qQ9pMARwyVa+TXJPtYpo8OHmoVjxLMklf/eWzP9xNhbDoy8 nbPKbb1fbtOkwnBJXhhiB22nfMob+jgXX6NwnrktOfhMVdWjNSIAohmO6JcxhFzC njbdbIC1NHk= =2z2n -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Hi! Darren's answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I'll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets. ~ answering machine message