It would be cool to have a true pop3 backend (nnpop). What's the difference? It would actually leave the messages on the pop3 server and would work similar to the nntp backend... Get the headers, generate the summary and download the article when you actually requested it. Marking something as expirable would delete it from the server on exit. Of course, this isn't for the idiot, as they shouldn't leave an obscene amount of mail on a pop server that couldn't take it. It's for those of us that want to read mail in gnus away from our main ~/Mail directory. I work at home 3-4 days a week, which is where I keep my real mail. When I actually go into the office I want to use gnus and check my mail, possibly respond, but not actually download it from the server. Should be easy to implement I think. Currently I'm using the appended patch against 0.12's pop3.el, which is ok, but it downloads the entire set of mail multiple times. Ick. (I'm submitting this patch for the archives as well, obviously). Wes -- "Ninjas aren't dangerous. They're more afraid of you than you are of them."