On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 07:10:18AM -0400, Charles Hallenbeck wrote: > I just noticed that on my archlinux system, the default js library is js24, and so I tried an experiment. In the src > directoryh of edbrowse, I did a make clean, then make, and it compiled and linked without any complaints. I think that's > cool! I had also just done a git pull, so it's the latest 3.5.1 source I'm using. That's good to hear. At least we can be fairly sure it's not something we're doing. The only thing I can think of is that it's a Debian-specific patch or specific build flags which don't match how we're building edbrowse, however until we know more about how the debian package is built it's just speculation. As a long-time Debian user it's a shame for me that I can't just build against the packaged version of mozjs. It's also slightly strange that Debian has a (broken) mozjs 26 package as well. I'm not sure what this is based on but I'd quite like to find out. Cheers, Adam.