Hi, > On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 03:13:12PM +0200, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote: > > Well you won't believe it, but yes, I can work fully on edbrowse packaging > > now! Sorry for the delay but I had emergencies (books, change flat, etc) and > > my Debian sid didn't 9ork anymore so far. I was just wondering if there were any progress updates on this? Also is there anything we can do to help? As I use Debian as my primary operating system is there anything you would like testing or anything else I can do to help get this working? In terms of releases, as I said, we're holding the 3.5 release until we can understand what's happening with Debian. Would it be more useful if we go ahead with the release and then accept patches afterwards? Cheers, Adam.