Hi Kevin, On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 04:39:07PM -0700, Kevin Carhart wrote: > Thanks for the notes on Chuck's example and on compiling. That's ok, always happy to help. > I did what I should have done in the first place and compiled on 64-bit > Debian. Thanks to the weird nature of inexpensive cloud hosting, it's nice > to be able to instantiate a new OS variety and try it out. Maybe it's time > to switch altogether. I've been hacking merrily on edbrowse 3.3.1, for > years. Wow, that's quite an old version now. Out of interest, what version of CentOS were you trying to use, and is there any way to get edbrowse to compile there or is it simply not possible without massive amounts of compilation (e.g. new Python etc)? > It took a while but I got edbrowse to compile! One note that might be worth > sharing is that readline couldn't find ncurses. I found a messageboard > thread about this and added -lncurses to the makefile. Ah, ok. I've not had this problem on Debian sid (both 32 and 64 bit). Which version of Debian are you using? > So I'm finally on 3.5.1.! The new moz and everything. Thank you for the > help and remarks about this and the ajax question. How're you finding it so far? Cheers, Adam.