Hi Kevin, On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 06:48:48PM -0700, Kevin Carhart wrote: > The information for carhart.net is: > > [kevin@carhart ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release > CentOS release 5.10 (Final) > [kevin@carhart ~]$ rpm -q centos-release > centos-release-5-10.el5.centos > [kevin@carhart ~]$ uname -rmi > 2.6.18-371.9.1.el5.centos.plus i686 i386 Ah ok, so it's a fairly up to date (2013) version of a fairly old (2007) branch of centos. This probably means that your Python, though up to date in terms of security is quite old. What does: python --version produce as output? > Then I wanted to learn more linux and be able to stretch out, and have > someplace to run long HTTP-scripting jobs that are my weird career. So I > went to vpslink.com and have had a 32-bit CentOS for the past five years. > [root@crispi-gosh ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release > CentOS release 5.4 (Final) > [root@crispi-gosh ~]# rpm -q centos-release > centos-release-5-4.el5.centos.1 > [root@crispi-gosh ~]# uname -rmi > 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5xen i686 i386 Ok, this is the same branch of centos (major version 5), thus with the exception of security patches (this is 6 minor versions *behind* carhart.net), the base package versions (i.e. kernel 2.6.18 python 2.) are probably the same. Again, what does: python --version output? > My Debian 7.5 Profile (Latest 64 bit (3.14.5-x86_64-linode42)) > 3.14.5-x86_64-linode42 x86_64 unknown Ok, what do: uname -a cat /etc/debian_version python --version produce as output? Note that the only reason I'm primarily focusing on the python is it sounds from what your saying that that's what's breaking in terms of the mozilla build process. Do you have any sample outputs of the breakages? Also, your version of debian is interesting since the profile name indicates a kernel which is newer than that shipped by default with Debian 7.5. This is by no means an issue since Debian provide (and I run on one of my debian stable boxes) newer kernels via Debian backports. In addition, it's possible that for some reason linode require a certain kernel version. > >How am I finding 3.5.1 so far? > > It's a pleasure, as usual. I am excited to play along and learn what the > new parentNode and event code is doing and ask some questions. Thanks to > the developers for all of this work! Glad to hear you're enjoying it. Cheers, Adam. PS: I wonder if, once we get through the interesting mozjs issues we're going to run into any other incompatibilities with libraries. I'd be interested to find out so we can update the docs accordingly.