On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 05:19:51AM -0400, Karl Dahlke wrote: > > As far as I'm aware there's no way in edbrowse to support proxy exceptions, > > Chris you've done more curling than the rest of us. > Can you specify proxy exceptions within curl? > If not, and I'm guessing not, > then we have to move the PROXY curl call from my_curl_init() > into httpConnect, so it can be done per host. > If we had set a proxy on the last http fetch, can we then unset it, > or set it to null or "" or some such, so as not to use any proxy > on this fetch? Will that work? > If yes then I could implement this one without a lot of fuss. > I may start by setting up noprox in the config file, > the way we have nojs now. > That would build the list of exceptions, which is the needed infrastructure. That'd be brilliant, especially if like the nojs setup we could have an exception for an entire domain. As a bonus it'd be nice if we supported different proxys for different protocols (like curl, links and wget do). I would also ask for SOCKS proxy support but that's probably a step too far at the moment. > I'll have to think about your 401 request, there's more going on there. Yeah, I suspected as much. Tbh I was quite surprised to find a system that did this (provide a 401 with no www-authenticate), but other browsers (chrome, firefox etc) handle it automatically, which is probably why the developers didn't realise (or didn't care) that it was non-standard behavior. Cheers, Adam.