On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:43:17AM -0400, Karl Dahlke wrote: > > we don't currently support the type attribute for script tags > > Well I was able to change this in 2 lines of code, so I did. > type and language are now present in the script object. > See if that helps, or perhaps another small > incremental change is needed. Thanks. I think this syntax highlighter thing also needs the brush attribute, which definitely isn't standard (at least not that I've heard of). It probably also needs other DOM things which I've yet to run into, but we won't know until it tries to do whatever with the script tags. Really I need to sit down and go through the syntax highlighter code to work out what it does, but that'll take time. > > I was wondering how difficult it would be to load all attributes for tags > > into the DOM, not just the ones which have direct effect on the browser. > > Well I've wanted to do this for a long time. > It would have been easy, if I had done it from the start. > Now I could still do it but the hard part would be taking out > all the places all over the code where I look for and store certain attributes. > Or maybe it's ok to store them twice I'd have to look into that. > Anyways it is something we definitely want to do someday. Hmmm, if it's just loading into the DOM then that's probably done by establish_property_string right? If so can we shove a debug print in there (possibly only printing on a higher debug level), then use that to help us find the duplicate settings. The target would be to remove all such duplication warnings, and then the debug print itself, but it may help ease the process. It's also possibly fairly mechanical anyway (search for the function which gets the attribute, then remove the various lines below it) or maybe I'm just over-simplifying things a bit. Also, how do we handle CDATA sections currently, since this syntax highlighter stuff uses them within the special script tags to store the code to be syntax highlighted? Cheers, Adam.