On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 04:45:44PM -0400, Karl Dahlke wrote: > I would very much like to port edbrowse to windows someday, > and so would like the option of compiling under visual studio. Perhaps, though as ms aren't updating C support any more I'm not sure about the idea of targeting vs. At the end of the day mingw or sigwin are probably better targets for Windows porting in my opinion. > Yes the bool type would be especially nice since we do use it for the cpp files, > and using eb_bool for the c files is a bit of a workaround that I don't especially like. > Some of your other changes would be nice as well. > Maybe you can do a little research and see which ones > we can make while preserving a reasonable amount of portability, > including, someday, the option of a windows port. I'd say we first need to decide whether we want to target newer c compilers on Windows or stick to the microsoft visual studio compiler. As you've probably gathered from the previous part of this email, I'd personally rather target modern, updated compilers on the basis that compiling for Windows will already require installing all sorts of custom libraries which may or may not play nicely with visual studio. In particular, I think the ability to use C99 and asprintf (which isn't standard but is available in various environments) outweigh a Windows port which is still a way off from being worked on. As for the move to C++, I think if we allow ourselves to use the extensions provided by C99 and other common non-standard extensions (e.g. asprintf), we can get many of the benefits of such a move without the massive rewrite. > Someone once ported this to mac, thus the makefile.osx, > but that was a long time ago and nobody has kept up with it. > makefile.osx is I'm sure out of date by now. That's a good point, I'll have a look into this as I've got an up-to-date mac system at home. Perhaps I may even be able to put together a homebrew package as well, but first I need to work out if smjs will compile and is packaged for this to happen. On the subject of releases, what's the status of the release currently? Cheers, Adam.