On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 02:27:20PM -0500, Karl Dahlke wrote: > As promised, here are some thoughts on messages between eb and the back-end > js process. > Please remember that this is intended as increment, > and so there are messsages to do the things we do today, > while other messages and functionality will come later. Ok, how are you planning on implementing this in terms of ipc? Pipes, sockets or message queues would be the three I'd think of here. Also, with the aim of incrementing in the right direction, how would this play with blocking calls, and the ability to run js asynchronously? If we're going to do this kind of redesign we need to look at this stuff or in a few years edbrowse will be basically unusable on the internet due to the (often ridiculous) amount of ajax and friends being used on modern websites. The more I think about how this is going to work, the more I think we need to look at dynamically managing the js heap and having a js process per session (at least) in order to make things work on the modern internet. Cheers, Adam.