On Tue, Dec 09, 2014 at 07:57:30AM -0800, Chris Brannon wrote: > Karl Dahlke writes: > > > and compiling js code into native cpu code for speed. > > Really? A true js compiler? > > I'm not sure how familiar you are with Google Docs, but they've > implemented a word processor, spread sheet, and presentation > manager as web apps. So they definitely have an interest in making all > this stuff fast. Also, on devices like the ChromeBook, the OS is > basically the browser. Yeah, it's Linux under the hood, but unless you > replace the software on it, you'll be doing everything through the > browser. Yeah, not to mention all the other websites which are following google's lead here. However, I personally have reservations about it, especially when people start trying to tell me how fast it is for doing proper number crunching. > And then there's just plain sillyness, like the x86 emulator implemented > in JS. Yes, you can actually run Linux in an x86 emulator inside your > browser. Why you'd want to do that is another question entirely. Wow, I never new about the x86 thing. I've heard of a lua vm written in js (again why?) but an entire x86 setup's pushing things to the next level of wtf (however, I kind of want to try it just once... primarily because it's so crazy). > > Regarding my earlier post about V8, here are some links > describing the issues that Gentoo had with it. > > http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/88222 > http://phajdan-jr.blogspot.com/2013/11/when-libraries-you-use-are-moving-too.html Yeah, these comments don't exactly encourage confidence that we'll be getting anything much more maintainable. > I'm not at all against the switch, if it will be nicer to deal with. > But if we do switch, we probably want to bundle our own version of V8 > with edbrowse. That sounds a bit painful as far as handling security issues goes tbh. Cheers, Adam.