On Mon, Feb 02, 2015 at 02:58:35PM -0500, Karl Dahlke wrote: > I'm trying to get my head around this, and one problem is I don't > know hardly anything about git. > If we wanted to use and follow the tidy5 package, how would we do it? > Could we, or should we, > git clone the package under src, so there is then an src/tidy > directory, that would build via make, > that we could fold into our product and build upon? > Could we git pull from them to keep up to date with them, > and continue to do our work on top of it? > Or is it impossible to put one git structure beneath another? It's probably possible, but a *really* bad idea imo for a whole number of reasons. > If that doesn't work then what is the mechanics of following and incorporating > another project in ours? Well.... at the risk of stating the obvious, if tidy5 builds as a library (I hope it does) then we build and install their code same as any other library. We document the requirement for whatever version we need and go from there. No need for nesting git repos or anything like that. If we *really need* to fork (why?) then we copy the changes between their code and ours and take on all the pain associated with this, but lets not unless anyone has a good reason why (like my assumption about the librified nature of the code is incorrect). Even then, I'd much rather take on the work of making a libtidy5 and contributing it to the tidy5 project and then proceeding with the library integration. Cheers, Adam.