On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 03:55:03PM -0400, Karl Dahlke wrote: > Ok, that wasn't hard. > stringfile.c url.c messages.c is now a group of code that is > shared between any and all of the edbrowse processes, > even those that are c++. > The tweak that makes the latter possible is this in eb.h. > > #ifndef __cplusplus > typedef uchar bool; > #define false 0 > #define true 1 > #endif > > No other plusplus conditional compilation is necessary, anywhere. > That's good cause I dislike conditional compilation. I've slightly altered this such that we now don't need ++.o versions. This was achieved by adding: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif After we've ran the above conditional typedef compilation and: #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif At the end of eb.h This means we don't have to duplicate dependancies for these files in the makefile, thus reducing the possibility for build problems later. > I did have to make some other changes in the c files but those are minor > and work fine in either language. > One silly example was the use of new as a variable, > which obviously blows up in c++ so I just rename the variable. > Anyways Adam you are good to go with > > cp jseng-moz.cpp jseng-duk.c > > and give it a whirl. > There are over 500 lines of code less than there use to be, > so you won't have to waste time on that, > and you have access to more functions, > including the string management functions that you will need > to replace the dynamic c++ strings, > which there are only a couple in the file anyways. Thanks for doing this, it'll certainly make things easier. > The only aesthetic downer is jseng use to include ebjs.h, small and contained, > but now it includes eb.h, which is everything. > It might be worth making a common.h intermediate to embrase the common files. > I'll hold that off for another day. I'm not too sure I mind this that much. At the end of the day it's not that bad and we shouldn't really have any conflicting types etc which'd make this a problem. A common.h would potentially be nicer though. Cheers, Adam.