On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:28:03PM -0700, Kevin Carhart wrote: > > Interesting.. Karl, does your certainty mean that you are saying > that the distinction between the two tags is fundamentally > unknowable for a parser? It's certainly difficult if the parser isn't also capable of parsing the scripting language within the script tags. > I guess one good sign is that there appears to be a lot of > past literature on this issue, on Tidy listservs. Including > one from 2006 called "Tidy barfs on split but rather to split it at the / thus: document.write("<"); document.write("/script>"); But I may be wrong there. We should probably report a bug against tidy5 in any case for this. That's why we're using a parsing library after all. At least this one's maintained for us so there's a reasonable chance they'll fix these things once they work out a workable solution. Cheers, Adam.