On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 01:43:01PM -0400, Karl Dahlke wrote: > Ok, lsl lists the length of the file on the current line > in directory mode, but ls=l fetches the length of every file > in subsequent directory scans. > See the documentation for more details. > Browsed usersguide line 1072. Sounds interesting. > As mentioned earlier, I had to muck with the code in many places. > reading or writing a file, a directory, what was a directory into a file, > or into another session, or reading another session into this one, > maybe it was a directory listing maybe not, > and so on. > After a day or so of work I thought I had it all working, > I made one tiny change to buffers.c, and wrote the file, and file write failed. > I had broken something, badly! > buffers.c was now 13 bytes long, and all my work was lost. > It's amazing how we rely on this program, > and how frightening when it doesn't work. Definitely. > So I had lost all that effort, or had I? > All the new software was still in the buffer, I just couldn't write it anywhere. > But I could print it, and I have a linear adapter. > My linear "screen" is smaller than buffers.c, so I printed the first 2000 lines, > then saved the screen to a temp file, > then the next 2000, and so on, > and then I put the files together and reproduced buffers.c. > Holy crap! > Course printing turned tabs into spaces, so I had to run it through indent again. > My file was back! Points for much creativitiy here... > Always keep backups of your work or important files, > even just a few hours work, copy the file to /tmp or something just to be safe. Definitely, and save often when working (I always forget that one). > Anyways, try setting > ls=st > or some such and edit a directory. > Honestly I probably won't use this full scan feature very often, > too much clutter for me, > but sometimes I just want to know the size or time of one of the files in my listing, > and I can use lss or lst for that, and that meets my needs. Will have to play with this. Cheers, Adam.