On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 11:30:21PM -0700, Kevin Carhart wrote: > > >Are there other bugs we need to fix, small enhancements we need to make? > >In particular, (Kevin), are we miles away from jQuery, > >wherein that should wait for 3.6.1, or would a few more small changes get us there? > > The recent progress is significant, but I don't think it's going to be ready > for 3.6.0. Here's a crude gauge. We're working through this javascript > routine called jQuery.support, where they have bundled together a long > series of tests of different mandatory behaviors. And it tries them one > after the next. We've done several. I'm currently working on a method > called cloneNode, which roughly speaking is found at around line 75 of 232 > lines. So I think our recent good work is about 33% of the way through the > supports routine! However, it could be even further than that, because when > I scan lower, I notice a lot of use of the big node manipulations which are > already done thanks to Karl. There's also empty space and comments, so it's > not like the remaining 150 lines is dense with tricky DOM problems. > > So it's coming, but it's a little more than a few small changes, I think. Excellent, thanks for doing this work. > By the way, recently I spent a few days learning the codebase better and > tracing C calls from place to place. I had hopped around in an episodic > way, but hadn't gotten the big picture. So now that I got to know the > jseng-moz.cpp, readMessage, writeMessage, and the EJ_ commands, I like it! > Thank you for writing this, Karl, Adam & Chris. Karl and Chris have to take the credit for this setup. Given that we can't release until a tidy5 package, I say we continue fixing things and then do the bug fix phase at that point. I guess I'm really hoping for some sort of jquery support by that stage. Cheers, Adam.