On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 08:36:35AM -0500, Karl Dahlke wrote: > > I'm also going to look into IPC mechanisms for Windows > > Geoff says that if you want portable flexible interprocess communication, > (more flexible than pipes), you have to bite the bullet and use sockets. > Processes listen on certain ports, send messages to each other via tcp, > using send() and recv(), which are both unix and windows calls. > It's rather a pain to set up initially but when it is rolling it works fine. > I'm not looking forward to that, > but as I think about itI'm more convinced he's right, > and why should I have to think about it at all; he's the expert. > He knows. Agreed, sockets was where I was thinking of heading with this. I thought Windows had something like unix domain sockets rather than ports though but I don't know. At any rate, I'd go for UDP rather than TCP for local IPC, that way we can easily multiplex sockets rather than having to multiplex TCP connections. Any thoughts? Cheers, Adam.