On Fri, Feb 05, 2016 at 08:59:22AM -0500, Karl Dahlke wrote: > Fixed by last push. Thanks, I can confirm this works. > The problem here was me trying to work around the
tidy bug, > illustrated by: > http://www.eklhad.net/div > My tree rearranger worked most of the time, particularly in facebook, > cleaned a lot of things up, > but it found a false positive somewhere in stackoverflow, > fixed a tree that didn't need fixing, thus breaking the tree, > and that led to all the problems. Ah ok, I wondered if it was that change but didn't have the time to check. > So I commented out the routine for now, > and stackoverflow works again, and facebook is back to being a little clunky. > In general, if you see > > {} farm animals > > It could likely mean {farm animals}, > and you should click on the empty braces to see. Yeah, I'm not sure how much of a bug this is exactly, I think there's some odd interactions here which I'm not that sure about. > The moral if there is one is to be wary of trying to work around things > via html preprocessing code or tree postprocessing code. > Unless a bug really derails pages (which has happened in the past), > I should probably exercise patience, because tidy always catches up. Yeah. Or we can fix in rendering possibly? That's what's really going on here if I understand the bug correctly. the Blank braces then text sound like a construct I've seen recommended by various (unspecified) web developers to get "clickable" divs. Since the text isn't actually in the link it's not contained in the node. I think what most browsers do is render this as a link without actually altering the DOM (because that'd be wrong). I'm not sure if this is the same problem though. Cheers, Adam.