Many sites, including amazon, which we've been playing with, take a very long time to plow through eb$qs$start(). Time is roughly O^2, as per the size of the web page. No doubt we could rewrite it to be more efficient, but most of it is third party software querySelectorAll, that I don't want to rewrite, or even muck with very much. They could come out with a new version with bug fixes, and I really want to just snap it in place. Is there any way to make things more efficient, without going into the guts of querySelectorAll? So this website hangs forever, and you can't even ^c out of it. Put this on the list of must-fix sites. Now that edbrowse is one process, such sites are more troublesome; you just have to quit, and lose whatever was going on in the other sessions. Following db 5 I thought it was eb$qs$start again, it hangs for a very long time, but then it returns, and then we hang on another javascript, seemingly forever. We will need to address performance across the board, it's getting frustrating. If that work waits til the next version that's fine, and I do want to talk about cutting 3.7.2 soon, but nobody is going to use edbrowse if it hangs for minutes, and sometimes forever. Karl Dahlke