We've been chatting about this, but it's a UI change, so perhaps should post to the group. Many people have asked for navigation through headings, as other browsers provide. They've been asking for years! It was brought up again and I think it's time has come. Someone suggested nh for next heading, which is fine, but I thought of another way that doesn't need a suite of new commands. Inject h1 h2 h3 etc in to the text as markup characters. Then its just /h2 for next heading, and ?h2 for previous heading, or /h\d for next heading at any level. It's a small change in mindset true, but we already have markup characters, {} for hyperlinks, <> for input, | between cells of a table row, so it's consistent. My plan, unless redirected by you the people, is to version tomorrow, then put in h's so we can play with them and comment. I just didn't want you folks to suddenly wonder what the h is going on. (Can't resist a good pun.) Karl Dahlke