On Sat, Dec 07, 2019 at 05:14:26PM -0500, Karl Dahlke wrote: > I'll look at this in one of my insomnia moments. > > Such is usually caused by a bad reference or other js runtime error in an unprotected context. > The last time such happened I had to write a protected layer around a call, see jseng-duk.c line 1644. > But of course that might not be what is happening here. Thanks. > db5 > Sometimes shows us going out to make a low level js call but it doesn't return. Turns out the original URI is a bunch of redirects and the site's home page has the same issue so simply browsing to https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/ is sufficient to reproduce the issue. I've attached the db5 output in case it's useful but from looking at it it just seems like it attempts to run: > set readyState=complete and then the browser's gone. Cheers, Adam.