No problem Adam. Thanks for your work long ago, which I'm revisiting, and your thoughts. We almost certainly have to change to something, because duktape is now 2 years out of date, and shows no sign of catching up. No proper function.toString(), no es6, no let, no Promise, etc etc. They don't respond to our emails. They aren't part of anything commercial and don't have a pressing need to stay current. A lot of projects just use it as an engine for their own, in-house js, which they can write any way they want. As a result, we are able to browse fewer and fewer sites each month. just switch to some es6 features, for example. We're not entirely sold on mozjs, also taking a hard look at v8. But both are c++, and both have a lot of the same challenges for edbrowse integration. The up side is, both will always stay current, as they are at the heart of commercial browsers. Karl Dahlke