Hi Karl,

Pulled, built and ran what I remember of the tests... obviously 
did not understand your 'ps -u'... but it seemed to run fine..

...\edbrowse\build>run-exe ..\src\jsrt
...\edbrowse\build>release\edbrowse.exe  ..\src\jsrt
no ssl certificate file specified; secure connections cannot be verified
doc loader attached
body loading
form questionnaire loading
30 seconds have passed!
line 20 has been updated
ps -u
no file

Re: DLL (shared) Library work-around

You will note how I do this with a batch file... That is because I
presently link with a libcurl.dll... so I have to adjust the PATH
with like -
@set PATH=..\..\software\bin;%PATH%
before running edbrowse... ugly, but workable...

It will be in cmake, somewhere in distributed FindCURL.cmake... 
they usually default to finding the unix shared library, which 
is not so convenient in windows...

The library list in my F:\Projects\software\lib is -
static - libcurl.lib and libcurld.lib
shared - libcurl_imp.lib and libcurld_imp.lib
and the CURL find finds the 'imp' first, the import library, 
that uses libcurl[d].dll... hmmmm...

Yes, UGH!, their chosen search order is -

So the only way around this is to import the distributed 
FindCURL.cmake into source, put it in CMakeModules, adjust line
to just
and make the search order -

This should also work in the unix, since the shared would probably
also be libcurl, the preferred there, and it would NOT have a 
libcurl_imp windows concoction anyway... 

Other cmake search packages do this better like FindPNG.cmake.
They APPEND the names to search to a list, like -

  list(APPEND PNG_NAMES png libpng)

That means I, as the user, just have to add -DPNG_NAMES=libpng16_static
to my first cmake line, and I get the static library I want... well 
even there they messed up with the debug version, so usually end up 
importing it, fixing, and adding -DPNG_NAMES_DEBUG=libpng16_staticd...

Anyway, will find time to test this, so I do not need that PATH setting...

And if you give me more things to try with edbrowse, will try them, but 
be very explicit in the instructions ;=))

But it compiles and runs...

Re: library and executable(s)

Of course, now that you are going with /ONE/ app, there is no real 
need for building the static edbr-lib separately. You may remember 
I started that because we had two apps that shared sources... so 
was more convenient for searching in the IDE... things are not 
artificially found twice in whole project searches... etc...

So now you could -
(a) put all sources directly into edbrowse, no lib, or 
(b) conversely put all sources in the edbr-lib, and reduce edbrowse
to just main.c, a single source... 

I guess I would opt for the latter, but not sure why... it is all 
the same to the compiler, linker... and builds the same thing... an 
