Thanks, Favonia. Meanwhile I solved this as in the following commit (file  source/UF-Subsingletons-FunExt.lagda),, which may be similar to what you are saying. However, the problem with such a solution is that it has to be specialized to each situation where we have inputs defined with some ex/implicit arguments which we want to apply to a function defined with some other ex/implicit arguments. In my view, a definition with implicit arguments should be considered to be the same as the definition with explicit arguments, as in real-life informal mathematics. Best, Martin  

On Tuesday, 26 June 2018 20:16:06 UTC+1, Favonia wrote:
Hi Martin,

I don't know your definition of is-prop, but how about this?

open import Agda.Primitive

_* : ∀ U → Set (lsuc U)
U * = Set U

data _≡_ {U} {X : U *} (x : X) : X → U * where
  refl : x ≡ x

is-prop : ∀ {U} → U * → U *
is-prop X = (x y : X) → x ≡ y

is-set : ∀ {U} → U * → U *
is-set X = {x y : X} → is-prop (x ≡ y)

is-set' : ∀ {U} → U * → U *
is-set' X = (x y : X) → is-prop (x ≡ y)

is-set'-is-set : ∀ {U} {X : U *} → is-set' X → is-set X
is-set'-is-set s {x} {y} = s x y

is-set-is-set' : ∀ {U} {X : U *} → is-set X → is-set' X
is-set-is-set' s x y = s {x} {y}

funext : ∀ U0 U1 → lsuc (U0 ⊔ U1) *
funext U0 U1 = {X : U0 *} {Y : X → U1 *} (f g : (x : X) → Y x) → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g

  is-prop-is-set' : ∀ {U} {X : U *} → funext U U → is-prop (is-set' X)

ap : ∀ {U0 U1} {X : U0 *} {Y : U1 *} (f : X → Y) {x y : X} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
ap f refl = refl

is-prop-is-set : ∀ {U} {X : U *} → funext U U → is-prop (is-set X)
is-prop-is-set fe isset0 isset1 =
  ap is-set'-is-set (is-prop-is-set' fe (is-set-is-set' isset0) (is-set-is-set' isset1))


On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 3:46 PM Martín Hötzel Escardó <> wrote:
Bad copy and paste. Let me fix this.

is-set : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇
is-set X = {x y : X} → is-prop(x ≡ y)

is-set' : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇
is-set' X = (x y : X) → is-prop(x ≡ y)


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