Small addition to my first remark:

On 07/09/18 07:14, Nicolai Kraus wrote:
Remarks: 1. If we knew that S^2 is not a k-type for any k, then this would work as well for the second step, but as you said, we don't know so far whether this can be shown in HoTT.

Since we don't need an internal argument, it should be possible to use S^2 together with Thierry's result in Christian's post!topic/homotopytypetheory/imPb56IqxOI
But this is only for CCHM type theory.

On 07/09/18 04:56, Jasper Hugunin wrote:
Hello all,

Many ways of doing HoTT (Coq + Univalence Axiom, Cubical Type Theory) make sense without including support for defining Higher Inductive Types. The possibility of defining small, closed types which are not hsets (like the circle) or have infinite h-level (like the 2-sphere, conjectured?) makes constructing HITs from other types seem difficult, since all the type formers except universes preserve h-level.

Does anyone know a proof that it is impossible to construct some HITs from basic type formers (say 0, 1, 2, Sigma, Pi, W, and a hierarchy of univalent universes U_n), up to equivalence?

- Jasper Hugunin

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