I was experimenting cubical Agda with {-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting #-}

I tried to define S^2, S^3 separately and found HIT worked fine.

However when I was trying to write down Sphere n for general natural number n it simply won't allow me to do so.
And the error message is "The target of a constructor must be the datatype applied to its parameters".
So how do I define a dependent HIT?

PtType : Set
PtType = Σ Set A A)

Ω1 : PtType PtType
Ω1 A = ((A .snd) (A .snd)) , refl

Ω : (n : ℕ) PtType PtType
Ω 0 A = A
Ω (suc n) A = Ω1 n A)

data S
² : Set where
base : S²
: ((Ω 2 (S² , base)) .fst)

data S
³ : Set where
base : S³
: ((Ω 3 (S³ , base)) .fst)

data Sphere : Set where
base : (n : ℕ) Sphere n
--cell : (n : ℕ) ((Ω n ((Sphere n) , (base n))) .fst)  -- Error!


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