> What is T0? What is t0? A primitive type expression (e.g. Nat) and a primitive term expression (e.g. 0). This just ensures that there is at least something in the type theory for the rules to be applied to. > If t0:T0 then p(t0) : B(T0), so it seems that it can't be sent to qp(t0) > or pq(t0) which belong to B(B(T0)). p(t0) is regarded as a term of (the interpretation of) B(B(T0)) by an application of the (interpretation of the) rule (R) > How does this yield an instance of the previous claim? What is B? What is p? With TT=book HoTT take T0=U_0, B(T)=U_1 (which also means B(B(T))=U_1), t0=1 (singleton type) and take p(t) == t -> t. There are then two distinct homomorphisms from C_TT to C_TT*, one which sends 1->1 to q(1->1) and one which sends it to q(1)->q(1). Dimitris > On Oct 12, 2017, at 18:31, Michael Shulman wrote: > > On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Dimitris Tsementzis > wrote: >> But there are two distinct TT-model homomorphisms >> from C_TT to C_TT*, one which sends p(t0) to pq(t0) and one which sends >> p(t0) to qp(t0) (where p(t0) is regarded as an element of Tm_{C_TT} (empty, >> B(B(T0))), i.e. of the set of terms of B(B(T0)) in the empty context as they >> are interpreted in the term model C_TT). > > I don't know how to interpret this. What is T0? What is t0? If > t0:T0 then p(t0) : B(T0), so it seems that it can't be sent to qp(t0) > or pq(t0) which belong to B(B(T0)). > >> COROLLARY. Any (non-trivial) type theory with a “cumulativity" rule for >> universes, i.e. a rule of the form >> >> Γ |- A : U0 >> ———————— (U-cumul) >> Γ |- A : U1 >> >> is not initial. > > How does this yield an instance of the previous claim? What is B? What is p?