I would like to advertise this paper, which investigates injective types and algebraically injective types, and their relationship (https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.01211).

In this paper, it is important to take universe levels seriously (for the reasons explained there). In the HoTT book, and in Coq, the universes are taken to be cumulative on the nose, and we pretend, notationally, that there is only one universe (this is called typical ambiguity). Based on the experience of this paper, I have the feeling that the loss of cumulativity, as in Agda, but also as in the infty-topos model of univalent type theory by Mike (https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.07004) is a good thing. In particular, I am not sure how typical ambiguity with cumulativity would be able to handle what is said in the above injectives paper.

When I say "would be able to handle" I don't mean just "accepting the constructions", but also present them to the (mathematical) user in such a way that is both understandable and usable as a blackbox (by quoting published resuls).


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