On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 4:38 PM, 'Martin Escardo' via Homotopy Type Theory <HomotopyT...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On 27/10/16 16:19, 'Martin Escardo' via Homotopy Type Theory wrote:
> There was a proof in this list that if you have excluded middle than
> there is an automorphism of U that flips the types 0 and 1. (Peter
> Lumsdaine.)

I can't find the link to this proof.

Martin, I guess you mean:

In your formulation of the construction, you can swap any two given types A and B, not only 0 and 1. This is because you really only need to decide ||X = A|| and ||X = B||.
-- Nicolai

But here is one proof which is
either what Peter said or very similar to it.

To define such an automorphism f:U->U, given X:U, we have that X=0 and
X=1 are propositions. Hence we can use excluded middle to check if any
them holds, and define f(X) accordingly. Otherwise take f(X)=X.

> And conversely that if there is an automorphism that flips the types 0
> and 1, then excluded middle holds. (Myself.)

I can find this one, which is slightly more complicated, but still short:



> Hence "potentially" there are at least two automorphisms of U.
> Martin
> On 27/10/16 16:15, Matthieu Sozeau wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>   we've been stuck with N. Tabareau and his student Théo Winterhalter on
>> the above question. Is it the case that all equivalences between a
>> universe and itself are equivalent to the identity? We can't seem to
>> prove (or disprove) this from univalence alone, and even additional
>> parametricity assumptions do not seem to help. Did we miss a
>> counterexample? Did anyone investigate this or can produce a proof as an
>> easy corollary? What is the situation in, e.g. the simplicial model?
>> -- Matthieu
>> --
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