> Perhaps somebody should add a Coq "version from scratch" of this.

If you just want a straightforward transcription of the Agda code, I've made one here: https://gist.github.com/JasonGross/c6745e6d3ffbab3ee7034988c1b5b904

Feel free to adapt it as you desire, and use it with or without crediting me.
The only "design decisions" of note are:
1. Making sigma types a record with primitive projections and eta is needed to get Coq's "compute" to use projections in the normal form, rather than "match"
2. I used "Opaque J" so that running reduction wouldn't print "match" statements on the Id type.
3. I added a definition "isUnivalentAt" defined so that "isUnivalent := (X Y : U) -> isUnivalentAt X Y", because I wanted to only pass universes in the definition of isUnivalent, in a way that induced minimal clutter
4. I added some notations in "Module Short." to suppress printing of types, to match your normal form with types elided.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 4:10 PM Martín Hötzel Escardó <escardo...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have often seen competent mathematicians and logicians, outside our circle, making technically erroneous comments about the univalence axiom, in conversations, in talks, and even in public material, in journals or the web. 

For some time I was a bit upset about this. But maybe this is our fault, by often trying to explain univalence only imprecisely, mixing the explanation of the models with the explanation of the underlying theory (MLTT, identity types, universe), with none of the two explained sufficiently precisely. 

There are long, precise explanations such as the HoTT book, for example, or, the formalizations in Coq, Agda and Lean.

But perhaps we don't have publicly available material with a self-contained, brief and complete formulation of univalence, so that interested mathematicians and logicians can try to contemplate the axiom in a fully defined form.

Here is an attempt to rectify this:


This also has an ancillary Agda file with univalence defined from scratch (without the use of any library at all). Perhaps somebody should add a Coq "version from scratch" of this. 

There is also a web version of this (http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/agda-new/UnivalenceFromScratch.html) to try to make this as accessible as possible, with the text and the Agda code together.


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