> It's clear that we can't generalise and replace Bool (which is S^0) by S^k, but the above looks plausible to me.

It's clear to me that we can't simply replace Bool with S^k, but why can't we generalize by replacing Bool with S^k and replacing the condition "n > 0" with "n > k" simultaneously?

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 10:29 PM Kristina Sojakova <sojakova...@gmail.com> wrote:

HI Nicolai,

It seems to me that this is true. Fixing (X,a,b), I was using the presentation

[-] : X -> pushout

p : [a] =_pushout [b]

as the HIT in question.

I tried using Dan's encode-decode method to show that this HIT is n-truncated if X is. I defined Code so that Code([x],[y]) is the type below:

(x = y) + ((x = a) x (b = y) x \Sigma_{n : Nat} Fin(n) -> b = a) + ((x = b) x (a = y) x \Sigma_{n : Nat} Fin(n) -> a = b)

which is (n-1 )-truncated, so this proves the HIT is n-truncated as desired. Here Fin(n+1) is the finite type with n+1 constructors. The intuition for the above type is that, if we look at paths from [x] to [y] in the HIT, they can be generated in one of 3 ways:

1) apply [-] to a path from x to y

2) apply [-] to a path from x to a, then do p, then apply [-] to a path from b to a, then do p, then (repeat) ... then apply [-] to a path from b to y

3) apply [-] to a path from x to b, then do p^{-1}, then apply [-] to a path from a to b, then do p^{-1}, then (repeat) ... then apply [-] to a path from a to y

I have not worked out the details in full yet but this would be my first attempt at answering your question.


On 1/4/2018 6:41 PM, Nicolai Kraus wrote:
Dear all,

is something known about the status of the following question in book-HoTT:

Given a span 
  X <- Bool -> Unit
where the type X is n-truncated (of h-level n+2), with n > 0, can it be shown that the homotopy pushout is n-truncated?

In other words: If we are given an n-type X with two specified points and we add a single new path between the points, is the result still an n-type? 
It's clear that we can't generalise and replace Bool (which is S^0) by S^k, but the above looks plausible to me. I don't see how to answer it though.

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