Thank you, Ben! That is good news actually. Thorsten From: Ben Sherman > Date: Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 18:08 To: Michael Shulman > Cc: Thorsten Altenkirch >, Homotopy Type Theory > Subject: Re: [HoTT] Impredicative set + function extensionality + proof irrelevance consistent? I don’t think that HProp extensionality is false in Lean (note that regular Prop extensionality is an axiom that is taken to hold in Lean), or at the least, I don’t think Thorsten’s argument goes through. Here is Lean code that formalizes the argument: structure HProp : Type (u + 1) := (car : Type u) (subsingleton : ∀ x y : car, x = y) structure Sig {A : Type u} (P : A → Prop) : Type u := (fst : A) (snd : P fst) def Single {A : Type u} (a : A) : HProp := ⟨ Sig (λ x : A, x = a) , begin intros, cases x, cases y, subst snd, subst snd_1, end ⟩ structure iffT (A B : Type u) := (left : A → B) (right : B → A) def HProp_ext : Prop := ∀ (P Q : HProp.{u}), (iffT ( P) ( Q)) → P = Q def true_HProp : HProp.{u} := ⟨ punit , begin intros, cases x, cases y, reflexivity end ⟩ lemma Single_inh {A : Type u} (a : A) : HProp_ext.{u} → Single a = true_HProp := begin intros H, apply H, constructor; intros, constructor, constructor, reflexivity, end lemma Single_bool (H : HProp_ext.{0}) : Single tt = Single ff := begin rw Single_inh, rw Single_inh, assumption, assumption, end def x (H : HProp_ext.{0}) : (Single ff) := eq.rec_on (Single_bool H) ⟨ tt, rfl ⟩ lemma snd_x (H : HProp_ext.{0}) : Sig.fst (x H) = ff := Sig.snd (x H) lemma fst_x (H : HProp_ext.{0}) : Sig.fst (x H) = tt := begin dsimp [x], admit, end The proof state at the end of the proof for `fst_x` looks like this: ⊢ (eq.rec {fst := tt, snd := _} _).fst = tt and `reflexivity` fails to solve the goal, so I think the `eq.rec` on the left-hand side fails to reduce. Note that the equality proof that we transport over is a proof that `Single tt = Single ff`; the two sides of this equation are not definitionally equal, which I think explains why `eq.rec` cannot reduce. On Dec 17, 2017, at 7:55 AM, Michael Shulman > wrote: On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 7:21 AM, Thorsten Altenkirch > wrote: Not really: you can prove ³PropExt -> False² in the current system and you shouldn¹t be able to do this. Ah, I see. I didn't realize that PropExt was something you could hypothesize inside of Lean; I thought you were proposing it as a modification to the underlying type theory. In that case, yes, I agree, the implementation is incorrect. (Are any Lean developers listening?) By definitional proof-irrelevance I mean that we have a ³static² universe of propositions and the principle that any tow proofs of propositions are definitionally equal. That is what I suggested in my LICS 99 paper. However, it seems (following your comments) that we can¹t prove ³PropExt -> False² in this system. One could argue that Lean¹s type theory is defined by its implementation but then it may be hard to say anything about it, including wether it is consistent. I still wonder what exactly is the difference between a static )(efnitionally proof-irrelvant) Prop which seems to correspond to Omega in a topos and set-level HoTT (i.e. using HProp). Hprop is also a subobject classifier (with some predicativity proviso) but the HoTT view gives you some extra power. A prime example of that "extra power" is that with HProp you can prove function comprehension (unique choice). This goes along with a reduction in the class of models: I believe that a static Prop can also be modeled by the strong-subobject classifier in a quasitopos, in which case unique choice is false. Ok, so you are saying that a static Prop only gives rise to a quasitopos which fits with the observation that we don't get unique choice in this case. On the other hand set level HoTT gives rise to a topos? Thorsten Ok, once we also allow QITs we know that this goes beyond the usual topos logic (cf. the example in your paper with Peter). Thorsten On 12/12/2017, 23:14, " on behalf of Michael Shulman" on behalf of> wrote: This is really interesting. It's true that all toposes satisfy both unique choice and proof irrelevance. I agree that one interpretation is that definitional proof-irrelevance is incompatible with the HoTT-style *definition* of propositions as (-1)-truncated types, so that you can *prove* something is a proposition, rather than having "being a proposition" being only a judgment. But could we instead blame it on the unjustified omission of type annotations? Morally, a pairing constructor (-,-) : (a:A) -> B(a) -> Sum(x:A) B(x) ought really to be annotated with the types it acts on: (-,-)^{(a:A). B(a)} : (a:A) -> B(a) -> Sum(x:A) B(x) and likewise the projection first : (Sum(x:A) B(x)) -> A should really be first^{(a:A). B(a)} : (Sum(x:A) B(x)) -> A. If we put these annotations in, then your "x" is (true,refl)^{(b:Bool). true=b} and your two apparently contradictory terms are first^{(b:Bool). true=b} x == true and second^{(b:Bool). false=b} x : first^{(b:Bool). false=b} x = false And we don't have "first^{(b:Bool). false=b} x == true", because beta-reduction requires the type annotations on the projection and the pairing to match. So it's not really the same "first x" that's equal to true as the one that's equal to false. In many type theories, we can omit these annotations on pairing and projection constructors because they are uniquely inferrable. But if we end up in a type theory where they are not uniquely inferrable, we are no longer justified in omitting them. On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:21 AM, Thorsten Altenkirch > wrote: Good point. OK, in a topos you have a static universe of propositions. That is wether something is a proposition doesn¹t depend on other assumptions you make. In set-level HoTT we define Prop as the types which have at most one inhabitant. Now wether a type is a proposition may depend on other assumptions. (-1)-univalence i.e. propositional extensionality turns Prop into a subobject classifier (if you have resizing otherwise you get some sort of predicative topos). However, the dynamic interpretation of propositions gives you some additional power, in particular you can proof unique choice, because if you can prove Ex! x:A.P x , where Ex! x:A.P x is defined as Sigma x:A.P x /\ Pi y:A.P y -> x=y then this is a proposition even though A may not be. However using projections you also get Sigma x:A.P x. Hence I guess I should have said a topos with unique choice (I am not sure wether this is enough). Btw, set-level HoTT also gives you QITs which eliminate many uses of choice (e.g. the definition of the Cauchy Reals and the partiality monad). Thorsten On 12/12/2017, 12:02, "Thomas Streicher" > wrote: But very topos is a model of extensional type theory when taking Prop = Omega. All elements of Prop are proof irrelevant and equivalent propositions are equal. Since it is a model of extensional TT there is no difference between propsoitional and judgemental equality. Thomas If you have proof-irrelevance in the strong definitional sense then you cannot be in a topos. This came up recently in the context of Lean which is a type-theory based interactive proof system developed at microsoft and which does implement proof-irrelvance. Note that any topos has extProp: Given a:A define Single(a) = Sigma x:A.a=x. We have Single(a) : Prop and p : Single(true) <-> Single(false) since both are inhabited. Hence by extProp extProp p : Single(true) = Single(false) now we can use transport on (true,refl) : Single(true) to obtain x = (extProp p)*(true,refl) : Single(false) and we can show that second x : first x = false but since Lean computationally ignores (extProp p)* we also get (definitionally): first x == true My conclusion is that strong proof-irrelvance is a bad idea (note that my ???99 paper on Extensionality in Intensional Type Theory used exactly this). It is more important that our core theory is extensional and something pragmatically close to definitional proof-irrelevance can be realised as some tactic based sugar. It has no role in a foundational calculus. Thorsten On 12/12/2017, 10:15, "Andrea Vezzosi" > wrote: On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Thorsten Altenkirch > wrote: Hi Kristina, I guess you are not assuming Prop:Set because that would be System U and hence inconsistent. By proof-irrelevance I assume that you mean that any two inhabitants of a proposition are definitionally equal. This assumption is inconsistent with it being a tops since in any Topos you get propositional extensionality, that is P,Q : Prop, (P <-> Q) <-> (P = Q), which is indeed an instance of univalence. I don't know if it's relevant to the current discussion, but I thought the topos of sets with Prop taken to be the booleans would support both proof irrelevance and propositional extensionality, classically at least. Is there some extra assumption I am missing here? It should be possible to use a realizability semantics like omega-sets or Lambda-sets to model the impredicative theory and identify the propositions with PERs that are just subsets. Cheers, Thorsten On 11/12/2017, 04:22, " on behalf of Kristina Sojakova" on behalf of> wrote: Dear all, I asked this question last year on the coq-club mailing list but did not receive a conclusive answer so I am trying here now. Is the theory with a proof-relevant impredicative universe Set, proof-irrelevant impredicative universe Prop, and function extensionality (known to be) consistent? It is known that the proof-irrelevance of Prop makes the Id type behave differently usual and in particular, makes the theory incompatible with univalence, so it is not just a matter of tacking on an interpretation for Prop. Thanks in advance for any insight, Kristina This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham. 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