Here is another old email from Vladimir to me.  He reports that he has found a model for
dependent type theory in simplicial sets and begun thinking about writing his own
proof assistant.


From: Vladimir Voevodsky <>
Date: May 1, 2006 9:26:06 PM EDT (CA)
To: Vladimir Voevodsky <>
Subject: Re: computers and math and education

Dear Dan,

sorry for a slow reply. I am in a kind of a transitional state in  
my work on all this proof related stuff and could not decide what  
is the best way to proceed. I think I still need a week or two to  
get to a point where I know myself what I want to do next.

I remember what we talked about last time but do not remember  
anything about your code. What language are you using? What kind of  
formalism? Here is my story:

I have come a long way since our last conversations. I have learned  
to some extend three existing "proof assistants" (well, "learned"  
is a bit too strong....) Mizar (based on ZF-theory), PVS (based on  
simple type theory) and Coq (based on a polymorphic, dependent type  
system called 'calculus of inductive constructions' which is not  
really described anywhere. See the e-mail from Carlos Simpson below.).

I got convinced that dependent type systems is the best available  
framework for formalization of math. The first problem with these  
systems is that they lack(ed) "standard" model. I think I have  
invented such a model. It takes values in the homotopy category  
such that the model of the type of say groups is (equivalent to)  
the nerve of the groupoid of groups and isomorphisms.

Having this new semantics I made some progress in modification of  
existing type systems to make them more complete for this "H- 
model". The homotopy lambda calculus which I gave some talks about  
is this modification.  I am not entirely happy with the definition  
I have and keep thinking about how to make it better. I am also  
working on proving the existence of H-models for it and for some  
more basic type systems rigorously. This activity is basically a  
mixture of category theory and homotopy theory of simplicial sets  
with some basic type theory.  Below is a copy of my message to  
Peter May with one of he questions related to this activity.

Despite the fact that homotopy lambda calculus is far from being  
"done" I am pretty convinced that it is a step in the right  
direction. So I have started to work on a "proof assistant" based  
on this system. I figured that  it makes sense to program what  
there is and that in the process I get a better feeling for what  
has to be modified and how.

I have though about proof assistants quite a bit last year and in  
particular about what are they really good for or should be good  
for. I decided that for them to be useful it is crucial that they  
have "memory" which can be "queried". Simplifying things a bit I  
see the "workflow" as follows.

In type theory statements (propositions as they call it) are just  
types of a special kind (what this "kind" is becomes very clear in  
the H-lambda). Theorems are propositions which have members  
(members themselves encode proofs). Hence an ideal (and impossible)  
proof assistant would be a program where I can input a type  
expression and the system will return either a term (member) of  
this type or will tell me that this type has no members.

New type expressions are usually built from some previously known  
ones. Since one does not want to write all definitions from point  
zero there should be a library of existing types where one can get  
building blocks for the type expression which forms the query.

Hence the memory  - to contain all questions which have been asked  
previously (type expressions) and all answers which have been found  
(terms). This memory or at least some parts of it should be shared  
(using some kind of web sharing paradigm)  so that if someone  
places a query or find an answer to a query everybody else has  
access to it.

Right now I am thinking about the structure of such a memory. I  
feel this has to be done at least on conceptual level before  
everything else. My feeling is that it might get pretty large and  
that it is crucial to organize it in a way which makes using it  
*fast* for the computer so in particular I am thinking about an  
essentially binary format (not expressions themselves but a  
structure formed by already parsed expressions connected by  
references to each other). I also feel that it is Ok if it contains  
a lot of repeats and redundancy (e.g. a thousand slightly different  
definition of what a group is) since it is not to be directly  
accessed by humans and since it is not a problem for a computer to  
compare to each other a thousand arrays of length thousand.

That's where I am now. I have just started this memory thing and I  
hope to get a better feel for it in a week or two.

