This is really an Agda question, but because it involves HoTT concepts, and because there are several Agda formalizers here, I prefer to ask it here rather than in the Agda mailing list. Forgive me is the question has a simple answer. Consider the following constructions: is-set' : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ is-set' X = {x y : X} → is-prop(x ≡ y) is-set' : ∀ {U} → U ̇ → U ̇ is-set' X = (x y : X) → is-prop(x ≡ y) is-set'-is-set : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → is-set' X → is-set X is-set'-is-set s {x} {y} = s x y is-set-is-set' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → is-set X → is-set' X is-set-is-set' s x y = s {x} {y} is-prop-is-set' : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → funext U U → is-prop (is-set' X) is-prop-is-set' fe = is-prop-exponential-ideal fe (λ x → is-prop-exponential-ideal fe (λ y → is-prop-is-prop fe)) Now I am not able to prove that is-prop-is-set : ∀ {U} {X : U ̇} → funext U U → is-prop (is-set X) The reason is that funext has explicit parameters, and I don't seem to be able to get funext with implicit parameters from funext with explicit parameters. Am I missing something obvious? (I am tempted to make is-set' the official version and ditch is-set, but this will involve major rewriting of the Agda code.) Martin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Homotopy Type Theory" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit