From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: khi at (khi at Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 00:11:25 +0900 Subject: [Howm-eng 72] Re: Removing old notes In-Reply-To: <200804120000.m3C00TBo004890@localhost.localdomain> References: <> <200804120000.m3C00TBo004890@localhost.localdomain> Message-ID: At Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:00:29 +0200, Xavier Maillard wrote: > Nicely done. Out of curiosity, will this approach work with "one > day per file" model -ie. several notes per file ? If so, how did > you do ? Dired-X treats it as a long single file. There is no special way to delete an individual note in "one day per file" style. Please edit such notes by hand. In howm-mode, "C-c , N" ("C-c , P") moves the cursor to the next (previous) note. -- khi at