Hi, I just started using GPG with Gnus. Gnus/Message offer 3 ways to do PGP: smime, pgp and pgpmime. What method am I supposed to use ? I chose pgpmime because it seems to do the same thing as what I can see out there, but basically I am lost. The second question is: I have non-ascii character ('ë') in my firstname. gpg seems to handle it well ('gpg --list-keys' at the shell prompt lists my name correctly). However, Gnus doesn't display the name correctly: I see 'Raphaël' instead of 'Raphaël' in the PGP button. Is there any way to correct this ? Third question: Is there a way to cache my passphrase, so I can avoid typing it over and over again ? I found a page (http://wmipf.in-berlin.de/gnus/pgg-with-gpg-agent.html) which talks about using gpg-agent, but gpg-agent doesn't seem to be ready for prime-time yet. Last question: I'd like to flag messages with a bad signature. Idealy, I would like to reverse-video the summary line, or add a X-PGP-Verify: Bad that I can then strongly highlight.. Problem is, all I can think of is summary buffer generation time, i.e. pre-message opening (hence, pre-signature checking) time. What do people do to warn about bad sigs ? Does anybody has a hack to e.g. set the background to blinking red in this case ? (pirate skull/unbearable siren/nuclear zone sign would be a highly appreciated bonus ). -- Raphaël