On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 14:54:38 GMT Al Arduengo wrote: Al> Lars Tobias Borsting writes: >> I recently set up mail-splitting for my mail. Before this, all mail >> ended up in the mail.misc folder in my home directory. After setting up >> mail-splitting I got all mail in it's rightful folder, but I stopped >> getting mail in mail.misc. As I knew this was not right, I sent some >> test mails to my inbox that I knew wouldn't be caught by any of the >> filters, and it didn't make it to my gnus mail. Sorry you lost (potentially important) mail. How did you learn about mail-splitting and the corresponding variable(s)? Al> A thought I have is that you don't have a default split at the end Al> of the list. I think that is exactly what Lars Tobias said as well (in his own words). Well, Lars Tobias, in the Gnus manual there is a section on Splitting Mail where it tells you exactly about the issue and what to do, excerpt given below. What do you think is unclear about that and how would you suggest to improve it? ,----[ (info "(gnus)Splitting Mail") ] | The last of these groups should always be a general one, and the | regular expression should _always_ be `*' so that it matches any mails | that haven't been matched by any of the other regexps. (These rules are | processed from the beginning of the alist toward the end. The first | rule to make a match will "win", unless you have crossposting enabled. | In that case, all matching rules will "win".) `---- Greetings, Jochen -- Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit http://www.Jochen-Kuepper.de Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité GnuPG key: CC1B0B4D (Part 3 you find in my messages before fall 2003.)