Hi, I’ve been signing all my outgoing email for many years. Not sure why, since no one ever verifies this... Anyway, since I got an OpenPGP keycard, I noticed that Gnus actually performs two signing operations on each outgoing message. It first signs and sends out the message, and then it signs the copy to be saved locally. Are things supposed to be like this, or is this a bug... somewhere (not necessarily in Gnus)? Cheers Christoph PS My setup looks something like this (defun my-gnus-message-setup () ;; Sign all messages by default with the appropriate method. ;; gnus-summary-handle-replysign ignores mml-secure-method and runs later. It ;; will overrule whatever is done here. As only gnus-message-replyencrypt is ;; t (gnus-message-replysign is nil), this will only happen if we reply to an ;; encrypted PGP message. (make-local-variable 'mml-secure-method) (setq mml-secure-method (if (string-match "me@work\\.com" (message-fetch-field "from")) "smime" "pgpmime")) (mml-secure-message-sign)) (add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'my-gnus-message-setup) (require 'epg-config) (setq mml2015-encrypt-to-self t mml2015-always-trust nil mml2015-sign-with-sender t mm-verify-option 'always mm-decrypt-option 'always epg-debug t ;; then read the *epg-debug*" buffer mml-smime-use 'epg)