Ciao a tutti, I am founding a problem using the old configuration for bbdb on my emacs (snapshot) on debian unstable. I had these lines on .emacs: ;bbdb (require 'bbdb) ;(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'sc) The third was not commented but if I try to uncomment now I get this error with emacs --debug-init: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function custom-autoload) (custom-autoload (quote bbdb-multiple-buffers) "bbdb" t) require(bbdb-autoloads) bbdb-initialize(gnus message sc) byte-code("!\210#\210!\210!\210!\210!\210!\210^P!\210^Q\"\210^R^S^T!\210 \210!\210!\210!\2$ load("~/.emacs" t t) #[nil "^H\205\227^@ =\203^Q^@^HQ\2025^@ =\203'^@#\203#^@\2025^@\2025^@ =\2031^@\2025^@^HQ^Z^S\n\211#\21$ command-line() normal-top-level() -- Ciao leandro to write me remove MANISUDICIE from the address below