I've recently converted to using Gnus for mail (and news) since it handles PGP/MIME more elegantly than VM did. Besides, it's just cooler to work with :) I've had no problems actually _using_ Gnus, but a few days ago I decided it was time to archive all my old mail, of which I have nearly 5 years worth. It is stored in a variety of formats and I've managed to get most of it converted to the Gnus style using the nnfolder backend. However, I've hit a snag. I have about a year's worth of mail that was originally stored using VM. When I add these files to the group list using `gnus-group-make-doc-group' (G f) and then enter that group, the group will have significantly less messages than are actually in the file. Normally, it reports only 3 messages. I'm quite sure it's an issue that invovles how the messages were sent using a multipart MIME format. VM can handle these files just fine, but Gnus seems more picky. I've looked at the raw messages and I've not seen what could be causing this. If anyone has an idea, I would be glad to hear it. Thanks. -- Geoffrey Wozniak http://wozniak.ca/ He who knows best knows how little he knows. -- Benjamin Franklin