Hi I have the following FFC header: ,---- | Fcc: /home/rkrug/Maildir/sent `---- but I don't manage to acces the emails. I have a dovecot imap server running with /home/rkrug/Maildir as the maildir, but I don't see the folder 'sent' there. I tried to acces the folder via the nnmaildir, but I get ,---- | {nnmaildir:~/Maildir/sent} (denied) | {nnmaildir:~/Maildir} (denied) | {nnmaildir:} (denied) `---- for all tries. Now I can't even delete the dead groups in GNUS. Any suggestions? Is it possible to set the Fcc to an imap folder, e.g.: ,---- | nnimap+Maildir:sent" `---- and how can I set Fcc in my .gnus file? Thanks, Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug