>>>>> "Tassilo" == Tassilo Horn writes: Tassilo> Maybe a problem with TLS? I don't see a reason to use Tassilo> encrypted connections to a local server, so try without that? Hmm...I use encrypted connections to be able to sync from my laptop with offlineimap - that's why I use imap & imaps on the dovecot. How would I force Gnus to connect via imap locally? Tassilo> A quick google search showed that dovecot's rawlog utility Tassilo> might be useful to find the problem. Tassilo> http://wiki.dovecot.org/Debugging/Rawlog Thank you. I enabled rawlog and will post if something interesting appears there. Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------