Hello, I've recently moved my mail to the IMAP server at my university, which is a UW IMAP server. Before I used Gnus against my own local Dovecot IMAP server, which functioned very well. This is all on a Debian Testing system with Gnus 5.11. When I start Gnus I am able to read my mail fine, but after a while of inactivity the connection seems to die. For example, pressing 'q' in a Summary Buffer makes Gnus hang. My secondary select method: (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnimap "daimi" (nnimap-address "daimi.au.dk") (nnimap-stream ssl) (nnimap-need-unselect-to-notice-new-mail t)))) Adding the need-to-unselect... option made no real difference. I've tried with TLS as well, but the result is the same. Another thing I've noticed with this server is that Gnus often wont recognize new mail in my INBOX. I can see the mail in a webmail interface, but Gnus doesn't notice it right away. The mail is only visible at some random point later (after a restart of Gnus). Has anybody seen something similar? -- Martin Geisler GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38 PHP Exif Library | PHP Weather | PHP Shell http://pel.sf.net/ | http://phpweather.net/ | http://mgeisler.net/ Read/write Exif data | Show current weather | A shell in a browser