On Friday, 28 Apr 2017 at 01:18, Andrew Cohen wrote: > It should work, but its totally untested (I don't use the agent). The > nnselect backend (which is independent of searching) should act like any > backend and use the agent as appropriate (although since it hasn't been > tested it is probably buggy). The searching part should behave as (the > other) Eric indicated: searches in local indices should work fine, and > searches that require a network connection should signal an error. I don't have any local index (as far as I know). I simply enable the agent to ensure I can read my emails off-line (I spend 2-3 hours a day off-line while commuting). > It would be helpful if you could checkout feature/gnus-select and see > what happens :) Is this from the emacs repository or is there a separate gnus one? In either case, where is it located please? Thanks, eric -- Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D)