I've used Gnus on the then-current Debian Stable for years. As of a week or so ago, it intermittently (over half the time) fails to get or send email. When I press 3 g, I get in the minibuffer: Mail source (pop :server pop.gmail.com :port 995 :user myname@gmail.com :password ******** :stream ssl) error (POP SSL connexion failed). Continue? (yes or no) The *Messages* buffer shows nnml: Reading incoming mail from pop... Opening TLS connection to `pop.gmail.com'... Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli -p 995 pop.gmail.com'...done Opening TLS connection to `pop.gmail.com'...done byte-code: Cannot get new mail If I try to send an email, I get Sending... Sending via mail... Opening TLS connection to `pop.gmail.com'... Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli -p 995 pop.gmail.com'...done Opening TLS connection to `pop.gmail.com'...done byte-code: POP SSL connexion failed That seems odd, as my .emacs shows a line starting (smtpmail-auth-credentials (quote (("smtp.gmail.com" 587 ... Has anyone seen this? Do you have a fix? Is there an easy way to get more information about what's happening? https://superuser.com/questions/243133/intermittent-pop3-errors-re-authentication-failure and Thanks, Bill