Hello! I'm looking for some additional options for organizing my emails. Splitting rules give me a very coarse-grained organization of my correspondences, but I'd like to have more flexibility. Call me a hopeless follower of trends, but the solution I have in mind is to add tags to my email. This has been done successfully for Apple Mail [1] and for Thunderbird [2]. One solution seems to be adding headers to mails (either X-tags or X-keywords). I've tried to do this by just hitting 'e' in the summary buffer, but get a message that the backend (nnimap) doesn't support editing. Is there a way to insert new headers into a mail from within gnus (specifically, one that works for nnimap)? I'd also like to be able to limit and search by these headers. I hope that eventually mairix will add the ability to index arbitrary headers [3], but another approach might be to also store the tags using IMAP's Keywords. Is there a way to use gnus to add IMAP keywords to a message? Thanks for any help! /au Footnotes: [1] http://indev.ca/MailTags.html [2] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/1832 [3] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=20070306164141.GA22907%40polaris.nrao.edu -- Austin Frank http://aufrank.net GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc